Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Reappearance of Chase

So, a few years back Chase and I dated a bit. He's an outdoors guy like I am. We have no lack of things in common. Round I ended because of some minor things, he claims misunderstandings. I'll leave my opinion out of this post. Anyway, I'd been thinking about him recently wondering whatever happened to him. Then one day I came across his number in an old phone. I shot a very non committal text saying I hope he was well and that life had treated him well. Well, he immediately responded and the flood gates of communication were broken. He's well. Actually, better health than ever before. He's been cured of a terminal disease and has a new take on life. Awesome! Anyway, we went out and once we got past the bitterness of life not going totally where he thought it would have been, we had a good time together. We played some very unstellar and uncoordinated tennis. Neither of us a proficient at all with a racquet. But, I can't get enough volley rally these days so it was fun. Then we went to dinner. Chase has always been very complimentary and kind. Always chivalrous anytime we have spent time together. If only we could get past this bitterness stage....and maybe a little quicker on the uptake of my jokes. I know I'm not nearly as funny as I think I am. But, I think I'm pretty funny and I appreciate a good actor who can make me believe they think I'm funny as well. Over all I'd rate this date a 6.3. Actually, if I was basing this on this date alone and not our past acquaintance I'd probably give it a 3. But, I know he can do better than this so I'll rate it above average and chalk it up to him having an off night. Just remember Chase, you're a cool cat, Let go of the bitterness and ubercynical attitude (I know, odd coming from me). There probably will be a repeat of Chase.

1 comment:

  1. You are RATING???? I thought you would just be comparing "jean muscles".
