Sunday, December 5, 2010

Here's the Deal

So, here's the deal on this here blog, I'm your regular girl in my mid twenties. There's not really anything extraordinary about me. I have normal hobbies, hopes, dreams, habits, etc. I however do have a little bit more vocal and brutal opinion on things. I'm slightly cynical and sarcastic. Some say I'm a bit of a pessimist, but I believe I'm just more of a realist. Now that my readers know a little bit more about me I'll start in on why we are here. Dating. It's a quintessential part of every young woman's life. You have family, friends, work, school, and the big one, dating. It's what is on every young single girl's mind. Will I meet some hunk today? Will he be funny? Smart? Will he be too short? Cause, too short is a huge problem, almost as big as a problem as a voice that is too high. Now, some may say that I'm harsh on this one, but I have a deeper and more sedative voice. So, if I go on a date with a guy who has a higher voice than I do people will just start to notice that I'm also taller than he is, could beat him in an arm wrestle, and probably picked up the check. Now, any one of those on it's own is no problem. But with all those combined (which happens occasionally) it's very detrimental. The most important of all issues though is the chemistry. Will there be chemistry? Now, I know what you're saying... this is a lot to question about something that hasn't even happened yet. I don't know if you noticed but all my questions are based on a hypothetical situation. Now, that's kinda where I separate myself from the average chick. I don't care. I take things as they come--mostly. So, I thought I'd give the world the entertainment of seeing into my dating realm. From now on I will blog about my dates. I got this idea from a friend recently. She said that it could be very entertaining for some folks to view dating through my eyes. So, I agree and here is the basic format.....the activity, the chemistry, the highlights, the low lights, and finally a rating of success and also an improvement section. The names of my dates will be changed to protect the innocent. If they are not innocent I will air their dirty laundry from the match makers rooftops. Let the fun begin!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! Can't wait me some dirty laundry! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE POST PICTURES!! I know you can't post their faces (to protect the innocent), but you could totally post some detail of their person and/or belongings and/or car and/or surroundings. It would be awesome. You could do it so stealthily. It could be your game on a boring, or not so boring date. I would love you for it. I would even take you out to lunch at Olive Garden.
